
The short version of my story

I once used exercise as a form of punishment in a desperate attempt to change my body. I’ve come a long way from that kind of thinking. After a lot of healing, I finally came to realize that exercising is a way of showing love to my body and taking care of myself, physically and mentally. It’s a time to step back from this crazy life, take a deep breath, and appreciate my body for all that it can do.

Since this realization, I have fallen in love with working out and have discovered a passion to help people enjoy exercise, too. Movement used to be fun when we were kids. Running around. Playing hide and seek. Climbing the monkey bars. That was exercise, and we loved it! Why was it different then? Because we were doing it from sheer enjoyment, not out of hatred for our bodies. Let’s reignite that joy, rediscover the little kid in all of us, and have fun moving again!

The founders of the workout REFIT say this: “Everybody and every body belongs.” I truly believe that. When you workout with me, I hope you will feel like you belong. No matter your size, shape, or ability, I promise that you will always be welcomed with open arms and celebrated for all that you can do.